Fiscal Year 2018 Q1 Financial Update

Chicago, IL – Office of the Treasurer

The purpose of this post is to provide you an update on the financials of the NCDA, as well as announce some treasury department news.

To begin, starting for FY18, the NCDA began using a new accounting software provider, WaveApps, to keep track of our finances, invoices, bills, etc. all in one place. This allows us to automatically generate & send out invoices, keep track of who has paid and who hasn’t, and generate financial statements. We currently are looking into additional services WaveApps provides, including making payments directly to the NCDA online, avoiding having to mail checks or pay through PayPal and have to pay additional fees to third party providers.  Additionally, for FY18, the NCDA switched to the accrual basis of accounting from the cash basis, so going forward our financials will include items including net assets, payables, and receivables.

In other news, all 2017-2018 season invoices have been sent out, to the emails provided to us during team registration. You should have received these by now. Please let the e-board know immediately if your team did not receive this invoice. These annual membership dues are to be received by the NCDA by 11:59 pm PST on December 31, 2017. If they are 1-31 days late, there will be a $25 late fee assessed. Late payments without the late fee will not be accepted. No payments will be accepted after January 31, 2017, and you will not be allowed to participate in NCDA events including Nationals for the 2017-18 season. No exceptions without first clearing it with the full executive board prior to December 31. If you have any questions, please reach out to the E-board. Continue reading “Fiscal Year 2018 Q1 Financial Update”

The Future of College Dodgeball Series – Part 1: League Expansion

The following is the first in a series of articles that will be published on the topic of the future of collegiate dodgeball. NCDA Chief of Content Kevin Bailey and NCDA Director of League Expansion and Retention Jacob Leski will discuss a variety of topics, from league improvement and expansion, to the future of Nationals, the NCDA ruleset and how it will evolve overtime. We even discuss the likelihood of the NCDA eventually becoming a D1 sport with games on national television, etc.

The Future of College Dodgeball Series will even have some guest appearances, joining Kevin and Jacob in conversation. A lot will be discussed during this series, starting with Part 1 on league expansion:
Continue reading “The Future of College Dodgeball Series – Part 1: League Expansion”

Director of League Expansion and Retention: Winter Update

The first half of the 2016-17 season is complete. We started the season with 23 active teams in the NCDA and now have 29 with plenty more waiting to get some action in the second half of the season. A total of 119 games were played last semester. That set a new record for the amount of matches played in the first half of the season. One can only predict that this record will continue to be broken for many years to come. This is thanks to the hard work of not just the Executive Board, but the active members of this league who have done an extraordinary job of getting the word out about this great sport. Below is an update on how the newly established member teams are doing this season and how close other prospective teams are to playing in the National Collegiate Dodgeball Association this season.
Continue reading “Director of League Expansion and Retention: Winter Update”

2016 NCDA Treasury Report

Greetings All,

As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we would like to invite all of our organizational members to look over the fiscal year 2016 finance to see where the money that you all have donated or paid to us is going.

The NCDA started the year off with a cash balance of $1,420.41 in the bank.

Over the course of the 2015/2016 dodgeball season, our total income was $8,404.67.

  • $2,275 from annual membership dues.
  • $5,400 from Nationals 2016 registration fees.
  • $364 from additional pizza revenue for Nationals 2016.
  • $365.67 form various other sources.

Over the course of the 2015/2016 dodgeball season, our total expenses were $6,271.66.

  • Total Nationals 2016 Expense was $6,141.73
    • $1,697.10 for referees.
    • $3,344.80 for apparel.
    • $792.00 for pizza.
    • $307.83 other costs related to Nationals 2016.
  • $129.93 in General & Administrative Expenses (postage, web hosting costs, bank fees, etc.)

As of year end, June 30, 2016, the NCDA has a total of $3,553.42 in cash assets, with no significant upcoming expenses as of August 10, 2016.

As of the date of this posting, August 10, 2016, the NCDA has a total of $$3,473.92 in cash assets. The next NCDA Treasury Report will be dated September 30, 2016.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns about the financial position of the NCDA, or how our funds will be used going forward, please reach out to Mike McNicholas, NCDA Treasurer, at, or contact any other member of the Executive Board.

Thank you,

Mike McNicholas
NCDA Treasurer

Call for more Staff!

Good People, I’d like to ask a favor of you. If you have any developer skills, or are a graphic designer, or know of a fellow designer/developer, please let them know the League needs their help!

We are always looking for more hands to be part of our staff. There are plenty of avenues where one could help. Whether you are a current player looking for resume padding or an alumni looking to give back, we have a place for you.

At the moment, it is volunteer work. But it is real honest work that you can credit on your resumes and portfolios. This registered non-profit can write you official Letters of Recommendation and we also include you on the Staff page.

Please, especially if you are graphic designer or a programmer, please consider contacting with your resume. Great things arrive faster with talented and driven people working together.

State of the Association: Jan 2014

Hello Good People!

The National Collegiate Dodgeball Association is busy. Let’s just start with that. We had a smash opening Autumn to the 2014 Season, with 90 matches played and 17 events hosted. We saw the Inducting Matches of three teams: St Ambrose of Iowa, Davenport U and Siena Heights of Michigan.

With the efforts of Interim Treasurer Felix Perrone [WKU], we’ve even registered as a non-profit in the State of Kentucky, bringing us on a road to official IRS tax exempt status. On the administrative side we are writing the Constitution, Bylaws, Policy needed to maintain a national organization.  Continue reading “State of the Association: Jan 2014”

Injury Notice

Hello Good People,

I just wanted to send a quick message out to everyone. The Subject: Injuries related to Dodgeball. 

While I’m chiefly interested in injuries during matches and JV matches, I’d also like you report injuries that happen at practices/regular dodgeball nights. Even report those incidents that might happen outside of a scrimmage, but still during practice time, and in practice space. (i.e. People were horsing around between games and sustained a sprained ankle from slipping on a ball.)  Continue reading “Injury Notice”

January: Alumni Appreciation Month

Hello good people!

We here at the NCDA (content wise) have decided to have January be Alumni Appreciation Month.

We’ll be seeking interviews and articles written about our glorious past graduates, to be put up on Most teams have some cool people that no longer are an official part of the team, so ask around! Articles showcasing early leaders and players of the NCDA would be a big plus!  Continue reading “January: Alumni Appreciation Month”

NCDA Newsletter 2012-12-01

NCDA Newsletter
Winter Interlude

Greetings good people! Now that we’re all more or less on break, let me brief you on some of the happenings up until now.

Letter Contents:

The List, Average Joes’, Recruitment, Rating Percentage Indices, Standings & Records, Upcoming Events, Accolades Continue reading “NCDA Newsletter 2012-12-01”