
There are few documents that affect the whole of the NCDA and each of its member teams in such a substantial way. Our ruleset is what binds us; a document detailing our particular brand of rubber dodgeball and suited to an intense, large scale contest of Collegiate Student Athletes.

If you’re ever in a position to Officiate a dodgeball match, we kindly recommend taking a look at the Officiating Manual and Casebook, in addition to knowing the ruleset. The Officiating Manual is the go-to guide for each officiating position. The Casebook includes a number of potential scenarios, keeping the actual rules portion of the Rulebook lighter and easier to read for the Initiates.

The links below also include the guidelines and rules to hosting a event as well as how to record game statistics to host successful NCDA events.  If an injury occurs or a penalty card is given, the referees and tournament organizers must fill out and submit the forms below.

  1. 2024-25 NCDA Rulebook, Officiating Manual, and Casebook
  2. 2024-25 NCDA Women’s League Rulebook
  3. NCDA 6 on 6 Rulebook – Four special events held over the Season.
  4. Hosting Events – Actions required of event hosts
  5. Issued Card Form – Report Red/Yellow Card Penalties
  6. Injury Report Form – Report any injuries incurred at a dodgeball related event
  7. Match Analytics – Guidelines for recording statistic timetables