Fiscal Year 2018 Q1 Financial Update

Chicago, IL – Office of the Treasurer

The purpose of this post is to provide you an update on the financials of the NCDA, as well as announce some treasury department news.

To begin, starting for FY18, the NCDA began using a new accounting software provider, WaveApps, to keep track of our finances, invoices, bills, etc. all in one place. This allows us to automatically generate & send out invoices, keep track of who has paid and who hasn’t, and generate financial statements. We currently are looking into additional services WaveApps provides, including making payments directly to the NCDA online, avoiding having to mail checks or pay through PayPal and have to pay additional fees to third party providers.  Additionally, for FY18, the NCDA switched to the accrual basis of accounting from the cash basis, so going forward our financials will include items including net assets, payables, and receivables.

In other news, all 2017-2018 season invoices have been sent out, to the emails provided to us during team registration. You should have received these by now. Please let the e-board know immediately if your team did not receive this invoice. These annual membership dues are to be received by the NCDA by 11:59 pm PST on December 31, 2017. If they are 1-31 days late, there will be a $25 late fee assessed. Late payments without the late fee will not be accepted. No payments will be accepted after January 31, 2017, and you will not be allowed to participate in NCDA events including Nationals for the 2017-18 season. No exceptions without first clearing it with the full executive board prior to December 31. If you have any questions, please reach out to the E-board. Continue reading “Fiscal Year 2018 Q1 Financial Update”

Fiscal Year 2017 Results


Greetings All,

As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we would like to invite all of our organizational members to look over the Fiscal Year 2017 finances to see where the money that you all have donated or paid to us is going.

The NCDA started the year off with a cash balance of $3,553.42 in the bank.

Over the course of the 2016/2017 dodgeball season, our total income was $10,075.18.

  • $2,831.87 from annual membership dues.
  • $7,193.31 from Nationals 2017 registration fees.
  • $50.00 from various other sources.

Over the course of the 2016/2017 dodgeball season, our total expenses were $9,839.10.

  • Total Nationals 2017 Expense was $8,780.44
  • $649.07 in General & Administrative Expenses (postage, web hosting costs, bank fees, etc.)
  • $409.59 for a League-owned GoPro to lend out to member teams for tournaments.

As of year end, June 30, 2017, the NCDA has a total of $3,789.50 in cash assets, with no significant upcoming expenses as of October 3, 2017. During Fiscal Year 2017, the NCDA closed our existing checking account, transferring all assets into another account with the same financial institution, as a safety precaution due to a stolen checkbook during the year. No unauthorized activity took place with NCDA account before it was closed.

As of the date of this posting, October 3, 2017, the NCDA has a total of $3,608.38 in cash assets.

Some upcoming treasury items to note: The NCDA will be moving from the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis, effective for Fiscal Year 2018.

Keep an eye out in your team’s inbox for the 2017-18 season league dues. Also don’t forget to choose the NCDA as your Amazon Smile beneficiary!

If you have any questions, comments, concerns about the financial position of the NCDA, or how our funds will be used going forward, please reach out to Mike McNicholas, NCDA Treasurer, at, or contact any other member of the Executive Board.

Thank you,

Mike McNicholas
NCDA Treasurer

2016 NCDA Treasury Report

Greetings All,

As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we would like to invite all of our organizational members to look over the fiscal year 2016 finance to see where the money that you all have donated or paid to us is going.

The NCDA started the year off with a cash balance of $1,420.41 in the bank.

Over the course of the 2015/2016 dodgeball season, our total income was $8,404.67.

  • $2,275 from annual membership dues.
  • $5,400 from Nationals 2016 registration fees.
  • $364 from additional pizza revenue for Nationals 2016.
  • $365.67 form various other sources.

Over the course of the 2015/2016 dodgeball season, our total expenses were $6,271.66.

  • Total Nationals 2016 Expense was $6,141.73
    • $1,697.10 for referees.
    • $3,344.80 for apparel.
    • $792.00 for pizza.
    • $307.83 other costs related to Nationals 2016.
  • $129.93 in General & Administrative Expenses (postage, web hosting costs, bank fees, etc.)

As of year end, June 30, 2016, the NCDA has a total of $3,553.42 in cash assets, with no significant upcoming expenses as of August 10, 2016.

As of the date of this posting, August 10, 2016, the NCDA has a total of $$3,473.92 in cash assets. The next NCDA Treasury Report will be dated September 30, 2016.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns about the financial position of the NCDA, or how our funds will be used going forward, please reach out to Mike McNicholas, NCDA Treasurer, at, or contact any other member of the Executive Board.

Thank you,

Mike McNicholas
NCDA Treasurer