January: Alumni Appreciation Month

Hello good people!

We here at the NCDA (content wise) have decided to have January be Alumni Appreciation Month.

We’ll be seeking interviews and articles written about our glorious past graduates, to be put up on NCDAdodgeball.com. Most teams have some cool people that no longer are an official part of the team, so ask around! Articles showcasing early leaders and players of the NCDA would be a big plus! 

We’ll also welcome alumni to submit content as well, so if anyone would like to write anything, please feel free to submit it by email to ncdadodgeball@gmail.com

This is happening beside all the regular content, season previews, and result articles for this month. So check out the site as often as you can! Sam and I are producing some great reads this year.

Zigmas Maloni
NCDA General Coordinator

Author: Zigmister

DePaul Dodgeball #68 & NCDA Director of Officiating

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