AJP 2017-07-25: Pre Season Vote Discussion

As we enter the voting season that defines our rulebook, policy, and bylaws for the upcoming season, Hunter and Zig took some time to discuss a couple of the proposals that made it onto the ballot.

Make sure your team has voted!

*I’m sorry for all the plosive explosions (the least interesting explosion there is in all of media). Couldn’t fix all of them in post.


AJP 2016-05-04: Of Schedules and Nationals Hosts

Our first recorded podcast after Nationals. As Mario has headed back “weast”, we use the four prospective National 2017 hosts as springboards for cerebral road tripping, voting rights rambles, and Eastern team travel restrictions. Not to be underdone after discussing the four bids, we launch into a small preview of the proto-scheduled events of the fall. Name your events cool stuff so we may be entertained!

We go over my 30 minute limit, and it really kills me because of the rendering time. We’ll have to cut our existential rants in the future. Enjoy!


Central Michigan University Pre-National’s Podcast


cmu-logoMembers of Central Michigan’s Club Dodgeball team, Mike Riley, Kris Kohler, Ian Ryan, Shane Willette and Zach Bachner get together to give their two-cents on the season as a whole. They discuss matches they would like to see at Nationals, their top-five best throwers and catchers in the league, who they would take with them into OT and a farewell to players who are about to play in their last Nationals.


AJP 2016-03-14: First taste of Nationals

Mario and Zig go over the potential policies and rules in that continual evolution of the NCDA. Zig proposes an even team rule and Mario proposes a consecutive match limits. We even launch into talking about future flavors of NCDA play.

All that an more, try a listen!

Edited by Mario Romanelli.


AJP #40: First Half of 2016 Recap

In the 40th Episode of the Average Joes Podcast, your hosts Kevin Bailey, Jacob Leski, Colin O’Brien, and Felix Perrone discuss the current standings, upsets and surprises, highlights of the Fall semester, give shoutouts to the recipients of their unofficial midseason rewards, and talk about upcoming tournaments (including Nationals), and finish off with their bold predictions for the rest of the season.
