Members of the NCDA (players, officers, alumni, officials, staff, etc) may submit a rule or policy for the 2016 Captains’ Meeting. Here’s this year’s process since we are moving away from the forum.
Open Submission
- Submit via email to, any member can submit, not just Captains or Officers.
- Or if in the group, make a post in the facecool Captains’ Club. About one post per policy.
- Members are encouraged to do their part and present a total proposal. Cite potential sections of the rulebook or constitution if applicable. Reason it out. Really people, this just makes it easier to prove your point and make your case.
- Cut off is late Wednesday night, 2016-04-13.
- NCDA Staff takes the policy/rule and creates a post on the website. Anyone can make a comment there to discuss. Find them through the “2016 Captains’ Meeting” tag group.
- Alternatively, generally each rule/policy will have it’s own thread in the Captains’ Club and discussed there too. (If it doesn’t already have a thread, Staff will post in Captains’ club on others behalf)
- Each facebook thread will link to an NCDAcom post, and vice versa
- Throughout the discussion, Staff will work to quantify the policy to prepare it for final discussion at the 2016 Captains’ Meeting.
- Light discussion will happen during the Captains’ Meeting, but because so many members will not be represented…
- Voting happens during the off season, after Nationals.