DALLAS, TX – Office of the Treasurer: In a 5-0 vote of the Executive Board (two voting members abstaining), the Board has decided to increase the annual league dues for each Member Team. Commencing July 1, 2016, the membership dues per team will increase $10, from $100 to $110 per annum.
December 31, 2016 will remain the deadline for member dues submission to the NCDA.
There were many reasons supporting this increase that the Board considered, which ultimately drove the Board to approve this increase in dues. The first is the standard inflation of the USD. The League has not adjusted dues to concur with inflation for several years, and the Board feels it is time to catch up with past inflation, as well as get ahead on the continual inflation going forward.
The slight increase in league dues will also help the Executive Board facilitate league expansion through methods of minimalistic travel stipends for members of the NCDA Ambassadors to assist the organization in its growth and development campaign.
Per section 7.1.1 of the NCDA bylaws, membership dues are subject to change with an adequate notice to the Member Teams of at least six months from the due date. At the time of this release, dues are to be submitted to the NCDA more than six months in the future. The bylaw will also be updated to reflect the new amount of $110 annually at the start of the new fiscal year. The current bylaw can be found here.
Please reach out to Mike McNicholas, Treasurer, at ncdadodgeball@gmail.com, or another member of the Executive Board with any questions, comments, or concerns.