Interested in becoming a part of the NCDA team?
From content development to game statistics, the NCDA has many opportunities to get involved beyond being a player. If you’d like to volunteer, please see the options below to see how you can make a difference.
Content Team
The NCDA content team works on creating a news network around the NCDA. Within this group, volunteers help create articles, graphics, and web pages.
If you’re looking to work at live events like tournaments, the NCDA content team also includes photographers and videographers to help with streaming and producing content.
If you are interested in joining this group, please fill out the form here to begin your journey with the NCDA content team.
For any questions about joining the content team, feel free to email them at content@ncdadodgeball.com
Rulebook Committee
If you’re looking to improve the game of dodgeball itself, the Rulebook Committee may be the place for you. This group meets monthly to discuss rule changes and improvements.
One of the new projects currently being worked on is tutorials for refereeing games.
If you are interested in joining the Rulebook Committee, please email the NCDA eboard with your name and contact information.
League Expansion
Expanding the NCDA allows for more competition, a better environment for players, and the growth of the NCDA as a whole. This is the job of the NCDA’s league expansion committee.
This committee helps students with a passion for the sport to create a team, get funding, and grow this team.
If you are interested in joining the Committee for League Expansion, feel free to email the head of league expansion Wes Peters to express your interest.
Stats and Record Keeping
Interested in statistics and files? Stats and record keeping is a program dedicated to looking at the past and current statistics of players, teams, and the sport in general.
This group will go through film from past games and tournaments to gather data and shine a light on the statistics of this sport.
If you are interested in working with stats and record keeping, contact the NCDA eboard to express your interest.