Nationals 2017 Registration Forms

–Important Nationals News–

Okay friends, here is the stuff you’ve been waiting for. As you know, the official apparel sponsor of Nationals 2017 is SAVAGE Apparel. We need to have our shirt order turned into them no later than March 1st, which means we also need your team’s information.

There are four tasks to complete before March 1st concerning Nationals:

  1. Captains: Register your team for Nationals 2017 in Lexington, KY at University of Kentucky.
  2. Captains: Submit your team’s all stars for the 7th Annual NCDA All Star Game presented by SAVAGE. Each attending team is eligible to submit two all stars to compete in this year’s ASG. Each all star will receive a complimentary jersey from SAVAGE. This year’s format will be a draft. All Star coaches for this year’s event are Kevin Bailey and Jacob Leski.
    1. (Teams not competing at Nationals, but sending representatives, can still participate in the All Star Game. Submit your All Stars!
    2. (Teams not attending Nationals can also submit All Stars and will have the option to purchase a jersey at a cost TBD).
  3. Lady Dodgeballers, register for the 6th Annual NCDA Ladies’ Match. There is no limit to the amount of participants each team can have in the match. Each team is entitled to two ladies match shirts each for free, if they have ladies interested in playing (teams with no ladies cannot submit requests for shirts; they cost money). Additional Ladies’ Match shirts can be purchased for $10/shirt, but they MUST register in order to receive a shirt. We will NOT be purchasing any extras.
  4. Alumni, if you would like to officiate at any point during the weekend, register here. There are benefits for officials including: receiving a free event shirt once you’ve officiated 3 full games, receiving a hotel stipend for officiating 60% of the total rounds, and getting paid per game (see registration form for additional details).

ALL OF THESE FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN MARCH 1ST IN ORDER TO RECEIVE SHIRTS. If your team is not registered by March 1st, you will NOT receive event, ladies’ match, or all star shirts/jerseys.

Nationals fees are also due no later than March 15, 2017. You should have received an invoice last week in your email. If you did NOT, please let us know ASAP. Registration fees are $300 this year and will go toward paying for: Officials, tshirts, balls, court tape, and camera equipment.

Let your favorite Board member know what questions you have, because I know you have some.

Policy Proposal – Senior Eligibility for Nationals

Policy proposal by Jeff Starr

Seniors graduating in the winter semester (or first or second quarter for schools on quarters) are eligible to play at nationals.

Rationale: NCAA does it, nice for guys to get one more nationals, best competition at nationals

Side note: this will not be personally affecting me

Goals for 2017 Nationals

To cap off this already exciting 2016- 2017 season, Nationals will be held at the University of Kentucky. The last time UK hosted Nationals, Candy Crush was popular and Liam Hemsworth broke up with Miley Cyrus. Those were much simpler times. The 2012-2013 season also saw the start of the Grand Valley streak. Will that streak end this season? I have no idea. In my opinion, this year is the most even the league has been since I have been on the court. In my bold predication and entirely unresearched opinion, the 2016- 2017 National tournament will have more upsets than any previous year. You heard it here first.

Putting aside the crystal ball, I have been told that the 2013 Nationals can be used as a template for which other Nationals have been run. Hopefully, we can improve on this template. This year, we have access to UK’s main gym, the Johnson Center, as well as its auxiliary gym, the Seaton Center. We will have access to four courts in the Johnson Center and three in the Seaton Center. All courts have brick walls on both ends and nets that run the length of the court. For the fans, one of the courts in Seaton will have bleachers and the Johnson Center has a track that circles all four courts.

Outside of the gym, Lexington has great bars and restaurants that will be happy to feed +20 smelly degenerates like you. For a nationally ranked hangover cure, try Tolly Ho. If you are looking for quantity, try Gumbo Ya Ya (Delicious Cajun food) and Hibachi Express (Chinese food). And if you are looking for regular drive-thru food, there is a Taco Bell on campus and McDonalds and Chipotle just off-campus. As for bars, I suggest Two Keys and The Stagger Inn (try a John Wall shot).

The University of Kentucky is very excited to host Nationals.


Address for Johnson Center: 434 Complex Dr, Lexington, KY 40502

Policy: Consecutive Match Limit

Proposed by Mario Romanelli

Consecutive Match Limit – During any official NCDA tournament, no team may be allowed to play no more than 3 consecutive matches without at least a 30 minute break.

The point of this rule is to protect the safety of players and to allow them a chance to recover from previous games.
This also makes sure that a home team won’t create a tournament schedule that may benefit them from playing a team that has played multiple consecutive matches; thus giving them an advantage over the tired road team
This does not put a limit on how many matches a team can play in one tournament.

Debate: Should home/away teams be allowed to play more consecutive matches if they want?

Submit a rule or policy: 2016 Captains’ Meeting

Members of the NCDA (players, officers, alumni, officials, staff, etc) may submit a rule or policy for the 2016 Captains’ Meeting. Here’s this year’s process since we are moving away from the forum.

Open Submission

  • Submit via email to, any member can submit, not just Captains or Officers.
  • Or if in the group, make a post in the facecool Captains’ Club. About one post per policy.
  • Members are encouraged to do their part and present a total proposal. Cite potential sections of the rulebook or constitution if applicable. Reason it out. Really people, this just makes it easier to prove your point and make your case.
  • Cut off is late Wednesday night, 2016-04-13.


  • NCDA Staff takes the policy/rule and creates a post on the website. Anyone can make a comment there to discuss. Find them through the “2016 Captains’ Meeting” tag group.
  • Alternatively, generally each rule/policy will have it’s own thread in the Captains’ Club and discussed there too. (If it doesn’t already have a thread, Staff will post in Captains’ club on others behalf)
  • Each facebook thread will link to an NCDAcom post, and vice versa


  • Throughout the discussion, Staff will work to quantify the policy to prepare it for final discussion at the 2016 Captains’ Meeting.
  • Light discussion will happen during the Captains’ Meeting, but because so many members will not be represented…
  • Voting happens during the off season, after Nationals.

Nationals Update

ncda_logo_squareOn April 16th and 17th, teams from all over the country will be in Bowling Green, Ohio for a weekend of Dodgeball to determine who the best team in the country is and for many, just to play the sport they love. I had the opportunity to speak with Tyrell Smith,
captain for Bowling Green State University and Director of Nationals about developments and changes for the big weekend coming up in a few months.  Continue reading “Nationals Update”

Nationals 2015 – Presidential Reflection

Now, before I start this off, you must know that in all my “Presidential” monikers (and in our many “Intern” allusions), I’m having fun. This is how I was raised by DePaul Dodgeball, but I’ve always considered titles arbitrary to the reason I need to do my duty. But in the end, I like calling my lowly Nationals hotel room the Presidential Suite. It sounds magnificent.

Let’s begin. Nationals 2015! WKU! Nick Johnson! My favorite Nationals shirt ever has been the Nationals 2011 shirt, from the first time WKU hosted Nationals. In fact, that was the first time the event was hosted outside Ohio or Michigan, and really, it was one of the very, very few times Nationals was hosted outside the state of Michigan. Coming up to the event, I was concerned if we would ever live up to that event held so long ago. But the League is in so much better straights nowadays. Everyone. Do NOT underestimate the family that consists of the League in the present day.  Continue reading “Nationals 2015 – Presidential Reflection”

Nationals 2016 Hosting Bids

For Nationals 2016, there are three schools placing a bid to host: U of Maryland, DePaul U, and Bowling Green State U. I asked each to write out a little bit concerning their bid:

Following the NCDA’s voting policy, the vote will be preferential. Teams will submit their ballot by ranking each school in order of their preference. The most preferred school will host Nationals 2016.

Voting will run from today, April 20th to April 26th, or until each Member Team casts a ballot.

Example Ballot:

1. Delta
2. Miami
3. Oakland

Continue reading “Nationals 2016 Hosting Bids”