Time | High Seed | Low Seed | Pre Event Rating | Pre Event Rating | Predicted Exchange | Exchange if Upset |
10:00 | Towson | UMD | 44.806 | 40.985 | 0.618 | 1.382 |
10:00 | VCU | JMU-JV | ||||
10:00 | JMU-JV | VCU-JV | ||||
11:00 | JMU | UMD | 57.207 | 40.985 | 0.010 | 2.000 |
11:00 | Towson | Kent | 44.806 | 43.426 | 0.862 | 1.138 |
11:00 | PSU | VCU | 37.644 | 32.224 | 0.458 | 1.542 |
12:00 | JMU | Towson | 57.207 | 44.806 | 0.010 | 2.000 |
12:00 | Kent | PSU | 43.426 | 37.644 | 0.422 | 1.578 |
12:00 | UMD | VCU | 40.985 | 32.224 | 0.124 | 1.876 |
2:00 | JMU | Kent | 57.207 | 43.426 | 0.010 | 2.000 |
2:00 | UMD | PSU | 40.985 | 37.644 | 0.666 | 1.334 |
2:00 | Towson | VCU | 44.806 | 32.224 | 0.010 | 2.000 |
3:00 | JMU | PSU | 57.207 | 37.644 | 0.010 | 2.000 |
3:00 | Towson | JMU-JV | ||||
3:00 | Kent | VCU | 43.426 | 32.224 | 0.010 | 2.000 |
Initial Ratings:
JMU: 57.207 (inc +3 for home advantage) (#3 in Gonzalez Standings)
Towson: 44.806 (#7)
Kent: 43.426 (#9)
UMD: 40.985 (#11)
PSU: 37.644 (#15)
VCU: 32.224 (#24)
JV and B team matches are recorded, but do not count towards primerĀ standings.
You may note there’s a lot of potential exchanges at the minimum, 0.010. This is a sign that those matches are not between teams of similar strength. Over the years, I’ve found our East Coast region to be a sort of microcosm of the entire League. You may also note that JMU’s home rating (57.207) rivals GVSU current neutral court rating (57.357). That’d be a #1 and #2 in Gonzalez rating if GVSU has a chance to visit JMU’s home court again.