Hello Everyone:
Sam Hiller of MSU requested a Quorum be called, relating to changing the NCDA rules regarding Overtime. The forum thread on it has some talk regarding specific options. What is required of the member teams is a vote to change anything at all.
Since we aren’t in a Captains’ Meeting, another process kicks in:
1. A Captain of a Member Team brings up a change, discussion ensues.
2. The change is seconded by another Member Team, discussion ensues.
3. A call for a Voting Quorum using reasonable communication efforts for a maximum of one week, discussion ensues. (current step)
4. If a majority of the voting members agree to a vote, voting Quorum is achieved. If a majority do not agree, the issue is dropped and may be brought up at a later time.
5. Should voting Quorum be achieved, at least one week of discussion ensues, with a narrowing down of vote options.
6. After a week of discussion, the final vote options are gathered and distributed to the teams using reasonable communication efforts.
7. Duration of the vote is one week.
Let me know if that seems fair or unfair. It’s similar to how we did the Opening Rush change.
Please email regarding whether your team agrees to vote or does not agree to vote. We have one week to achieve a quorum, then one week of discussion, then a week of voting.
25 Member Teams, 13 Members required to achieve Quorum.
Quorum Call Begins 8 Aug 2012 17:16 CST
MSU Agrees – 8 Aug 2012 17:20
CMU Agrees – 8 Aug 2012 23:42
JMU Agrees – 9 Aug 2012 00:08
UMD Agrees – 10 Aug 2012 15:14
SVSU Agrees – 11 Aug 2012 13:33
GVSU Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 12:26
K-State Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 14:08
DePaul Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 15:42
MBI Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 19:01
WKU Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 19:01
UofL Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 19:09
Miami Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 19:30
LCC Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 19:35
Kent Agrees – 13 Aug 2012 22:43
End of call is 15 Aug 2012 17:16 CST or whenever Quorum is achieved, whichever comes first.
Upcoming Member UNT Agrees 13 Aug 2012 04:14
(As not yet a full Member Team, UNT does not have voting rights or count towards a Quorum, but its discussion is recognized.)
Quorum is achieved with 14 member teams of the 25 teams agreeing to establish a vote regarding rules on Overtime.