AJP #21: A DePaul Summer Wrapup

DePaul and Moody takes us through a joyous jaunt to wrap up the summer in this short podcast. Not much going on, but oodles of entertainment and a few tidbits on the next hosts of AJP.

Hosts: Spencer Flynn, Zigmas Maloni, Becky Seemann, Rachel Joyce, Anthony Netzel, and Jeremy Schambach from Moody.

Recorded on a Rockband Logitech USB Microphone (bought used for $5)
Heavily edited in Audition CS6 (Lots of debauchery this time)
Hosted on NCDAdodgeball.com/ajp/
15:36 minutes

Rough production time:
32min recording, 1 hour of personal audio review, 45 min of editing, 5 minutes saving, uploading, and writing these posts
= total time 2-3 hours


Author: Zigmister

DePaul Dodgeball #68 & NCDA Director of Officiating

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