Captains and Officers:
On the forum you’ll find a couple things relating to the Executive Board. These are very broad overviews of the in-progress Constitution, but the 2014 Board thought they were necessary to establish before voting on the 2015 Board.
First: the board itself. President, Treasurer, Director of League Expansion, Chief of Content, Director of Nationals.
Any new nominations (or declines) on the 2015 Executive Board now that we have established the positions? Nominations since Nationals 2014
- President: Zigmas Maloni [DePaul Alum]
- Treasurer: Felix Perrone [WKU Alum]
- Chief of Content: Sean Smith [TU-Pres], Kevin Bailey [GVSU-C?]
- Director of League Expansion: Dylan Fettig [GVSU-A?], Troy Dixon[DePaul Alum], Alex Swedowski [UWP Alum], Michael Patrick McCarthy[SHU-C?]
- Director of Nationals: Nick Johnson [WKU] and Asst Director of Nationals (non-voting): Hunter Dickerson [WKU]
and apologies if i forgot someone. Please get their name as soon as possible.