One last article! This will concern a good friend of mine, Chad Schlundt, #00 and Captain of Moody Bible during 2011 and 2012 seasons.
Chad is the kind of guy that everyone says is a great guy, and for valid reasoning. When I first found out Chicago was gaining another dodgeball team, I was ecstatic.
I started playing dodgeball in a period where DePaul traveled only once a year (to Nationals) and our jerseys usually arrived hours before we had to leave for Nationals. Having a team next door was unbelievable. More people could come to our dodgeball nights. The team could play League matches without having to fork over lots of money for travel. I could design more cool dodgeball posters to hang in my apartment.
The result was that the fellows and fans at Moody were —are— some of the coolest people I’ve ever met in the League. Chad is the leader of that pack. I remember the first time I met him and a couple of the other guys that first year. DePaul Dodgeball has 10 spare PG 8.5 dodgeballs in the budget, so we donated them to Moody to help get them started. Not much story there, but Chad was a stand up guy from the moment we met.
Of the many things I like to remember about Chad, one is that he initiated the idea of the All-NCDA team after Nationals 2012. I think that is a solid lasting legacy that will prevail in the League, one of many things he’ll be remembered by. I could talk about him all day, but I’ll sign off by congratulating him on his upcoming marriage to the lovely Nikki, and throwing it over to Jake.
Jake Ochoa [MAD] writes:
“Chad Schlundt was one of the original founders Moody Archers Dodgeball, and played from 2010-2012. He was also captain and president for those years. The team voted him into the All Star Game in 2011. He was a great leader that taught the game of dodgeball to almost the entire team.
“Chad was a huge contribution to the team’s success on and off the court. He graduated in Sports Ministry and is currently working in Arizona, getting married this summer to his beautiful fiance Nikki.
“Chad was loved by the team, the school, and the League. Even after all of these great accomplishments and attributes, Chad will always be remembered for one thing, NEON. With his pink hat and neon green/pink/yellow shorts you always knew Chad “Neon Lightning” Schlundt was on the court, leading a bunch of bible students to play dodgeball.”
Neon Lightning has got to be one of the best nicknames in NCDA history, right?