The Executive Board held a vote on 2018-01-17 20:07 which was completed 2018-01-18 09:38.
Motion 1: Increase Roster Sizes for the remainder of the 2018 Season.
Preferential vote options are 16 (current), 18, and 20.
Motion passes. Roster size will be increased to 18 players.
5/7 first preferences for 18, and 2 first preferences plus DoN for 16
Rulebook 2018 v1.1, effective 2018-01-18: Roster – Each team may consist of a roster of 8-18 players. Low numbers – A team may play a match with no fewer than eight (8) players. The opposing team may still play with a maximum complement of 12 players and a maximum of six (6) substitutes. Event Roster – Rosters must remain consistent throughout the entirety of the same Event. The same 18 players who are rostered for the first game of an Event must be the same 18 players used until the Event’s end. Overtime – Number of Players – Overtime will consist of a maximum of 6-on-6 contest; the Captain choosing any six (6) players from their team’s eighteen (18) player roster. No more than six (6) players
Motion 2: Referees may overturn the Shot Clock Official providing the Referee completely takes over the rest of the Count.
Motion passes. New overturn mechanic to be implemented for Referees.
Passes 6/7 plus DoN not in favor.
This alters a number of sections regarding the Officiating Mechanics of the Shot Clock and relations between the Officiating Crew, which really involves a reorganization of the Officiating Manual as the best approach. The following snippet is a gist of how the override handles. v 1.1 of the 2018 Rulebook will be reviewed by the Rulebook Committee and posted shortly.
Rulebook 2018 v1.1, effective 2018-01-18: Calls – Being Overridden – If a Shot Clock Official determines that the Shot Clock is reset, but a Referee determines that an apparent reset was a Illegitimate Attempt [], the Referee must take over and continue the rest of the Shot Clock count by signaling appropriately.
Motion 3: Impose a fine for failure to attend the Captains’ Meeting at Nationals.
Motion passes. A fine will be imposed for skipping the Captains’ Meeting at Nationals.
Passes 7 of 7 with DoN assent.
Any Member Team that is participating at Nationals must attend the scheduled Captains’ Meeting held over the Nationals weekend. Future team officers may attend, but at least one actual, current Captain representing the Member Team must attend. Being grossly late to the Meeting without Board consent will justify a fine. Leaving early without Board consent will also justify a fine.
A fine of $100 will be applied to the following season’s dues for the offending team.
Teams that are representing at Nationals (not participating in ranked matches) are exempt from attending the Captains’ Meeting but are strongly encouraged to attend. Providing the Member Team of the representatives has voting rights, they can contribute to the Captains’ Meeting just as any Nationals-participating Member Team.
Teams that are not present or representing at Nationals are exempt from mandatory attendance at the Captains’ Meeting, but likewise encouraged to submit proposals to be discussed in the Meeting.