Leading into Nationals, we look to spotlight as many teams as we can in hopes of shining a bright light on standouts from participating teams. These glow-ups include up to 2 of each team’s standout rookies as well as a handful of core contributing players that have gotten their respective team to where they are going into the National Collegiate Dodgeball Association’s annual finale. Lastly, we get a glance into each participating team’s mindset and expectations going into Nationals.
Vikings’ Rookie Spotlight
Jostein Sagnes
Jostein (Yo) is one of our new players who established himself on the court as an important presence at our first tournament of the year and has only continued to improve. Another one of our all stars, the team recognizes both his skill and his drive. When he is playing his game he is nearly impossible to hit and and once you’ve thrown you better watch out for his deadly counters.
Antoine Lamar
Antoine is another rookie who took everyone by surprise at our home tournament, hitting toes with every throw he made. Since then he has practiced his catching and movement, making him a force to be reckoned with in all aspects.
Sky Thornsberry
Yet another new player who can make their presence felt with extremely consistent wastes across the entire court and the ability to catch even the strongest throwers in the league. Sky has the opportunity to really show the league her skills this coming weekend.
Key Contributors for the Vikings
Joe Walsh
Everyone who was around before knows Joe’s name as one of the best players in all of Ohio and even the country. With this being his final tournament he is ready to show the league just why he earned that reputation.
Kevin Premsook
Kevin is one of our veteran players who has shown the ability to bring back a game from the brink of defeat entirely by himself on several occasions. With sneaky crosses, insane dodges, and a confidence on the court that not many can match, the game is never truly over as long as Kevin is on the court. There is a reason that he is one of our all stars this season and I am sure he will show why at nationals.
Mindset for Nationals – Jostein Sagnes
“Coming off the last tournament at Akron we held our heads high. We learned our weaknesses and have tirelessly worked to improve them. Every player is putting in extra hours to improve and has the intention on coming back to the city of Cleveland as the Champions of the Ncda. Expect many players to step up once we step on the big stage. Cleveland state dodgeball is ready and is a team EVERYONE should keep their eyes on.”