Robyn MacDonald, President of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is your November Baller of the Month! Click on the video link below to hear her thoughts on winning the award.

Robert Gabel (UNL Coach)– I think Robyn is a truly impressive player. She came from a soccer background, and learned how to excel in a sport that doesn’t let you kick the ball. She’s a very intelligent player, hitting opponents where they aren’t expecting it, and directing her teammates to victory. Off the court she did a fantastic job as vice president, then president, during the COVID years. She’s truly a key member of the Husker Dodgeball team and will be missed next semester.
Ethan Glenn (UNL Captain)– I was excited when I heard Robyn was the Baller of the Month because I really think she deserves it. Having played with her for almost four years now, it’s incredible how much she’s improved and how skilled she’s gotten at each aspect of the game. She’s become such a vital part of the team, both on and off the court. I don’t know what we’ll do without her.
Carolyn Curley (UNL Vice President)– Robyn has always been a good and inspiring player, helping people out and wanting people to get better. Coming in as President during COVID left her in a tough spot, but she really pulled through and we were able to play our tournaments this semester. I’d also say her strength is catching, which was certainly shown in this semester’s tournaments, it’s always impressive when she makes a catch, and as catches are, it’s incredibly helpful. She is a strategic and calm player, and her demeanor really helps the dynamic on the court. We’re going to miss her a lot!
To hear Robyn’s thoughts on winning the award, check out her interview with me at the the link below, make sure to subscribe to our page:
BOTM November 2021: UNL Robyn MacDonald