All-American Voting

Attention Club Officers,

Your team should be receiving an email with the following information:

It is that time of year again. The season ended this past weekend, and now we need to begin the voting for our All-American Team. The process is pretty simple. Each team is required to send in a list of their top 15 players in the country listed preferential order 1 through 15.

For this vote we will allow teams to vote for players on their own team if they so choose. Each team only gets to submit one list.

Along with this, we will be debuting our NCDA All-Rookie Team this year. For this list it will be a bit different than with All-Americans. We don’t expect each team to remember 15 different rookies so we ask you to give a preferential list of your top-5. Along with that make sure to provide the name of at least one rookie from your team either in your top 5 or separate. This way at least one rookie from each school is spotlighted either in the All-Rookie 1st Team or as an honorable mention.

Make sure to send in your list to the NCDA email account ( or through Facebook message to myself (NCDA Chief of Content). The voting for these lists will be open until TUESDAY, APRIL 26th at 11;59 PM. Please make sure your team submits a list for both the All-American Team and the All-Rookie Team so these are as accurate as possible.

*Attached to the email is a document with the roster lists for each team at Nationals, just in case your forgot how to spell a certain player’s name.

Thank you for your contribution,

Kevin Bailey
NCDA Chief of Content

Author: Kevin Bailey

Current NCDA Chief of Content. Former Captain for Grand Valley State University (#4).

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