The NCDA Executive Board met on August 10, 2016, called by the President, to discuss change in the NCDA. This change consideration is allowed by Article 10.1.1 of the NCDA Bylaws. In accordance to Article 10.18.1 of the NCDA Bylaws, all five voting members of the Board agreed to consider change to be made prior to the three year provisions timeline outlined in article 10.18 of the NCDA Bylaws.
During this meeting, a BILL to amend the Organization’s voting process on preseason (e.g. this July vote) rulebook/policy was proposed:
Section 1. To provide the Board the ability to overturn any measure affirmed by the Member Teams in the preseason election, but only through a supermajority of three fourths of the elected Board.
Section 2. To provide the Member Teams the ability to veto the Board’s passed override measure, but only through a supermajority of three fourths of the casted ballots after achieving quorum.
– Reference NCDA Bylaws, §6 and 6.5 Proposal Voting, 7.7 Member Team Obligation to vote. This does not apply to elections for Board positions, which is a separate clause.
Vote Result: 4 of 5 Board members vote to change. Non-voting member Director of Nationals dissents. The measure succeeds in accordance to Article 10.1.1 of the NCDA Bylaws.
tl/dr: The Board can overturn the initial voting results with a 3/4 agreement of the Board, Member Teams can veto the Board’s decision with a 3/4 vote.