Good People,
Nationals 2014 is April 11-13 at Ohio State University in Columbus, OH.
I’d like to announce that the Staff of the NCDA is looking for Staff to help at Nationals! Your first step is signing it up in this quick form. We’ll take care of the organizing.
If you need any further incentive to help out, here’s a little lowdown on what we are planning for this year:
It’s a natural truth that Alumni have both the experience with the Rules and the life experience to handle themselves as a Dodgeball Official and officiate the game in an unbiased manner. We’d like to reward that attitude in past years with both monies and maybe even food. While the full budget is still being determined, the monetary compensation is set:
- Head Referee: $15/game
- Shot Clock Timekeeper: $10/game
- Assisting Referee: $10/game (as needed for higher intensity games)
- Judges for the Championship match : $10/Judge
Regular Matches will generally have a staff of 3: Head Referee & two Shot Clock Timekeepers. Higher intensity matches will add an Assistant Referee, but this relies on availability of extra Officials in any given round. If a game devolves into fun after it’s been decided (which is encouraged), the Officials from that game will be pulled to help Officiate other matches as an Assisting Referee for the rest of the time, for example. Assisting Referees will be present in the later games of the Championship bracket on Sunday, as well.
The Championship match with have a paid Officiating Crew of six: Head, Asst, two Shot Clocks, two Judges… not including the various number of extra Staff for video, pictures, statistics, commentating, etc. This final game will be paying time and a half and Officials for the game will be determined by the NCDA Executive Board, based on availability, experience, and ability as an Official.
Don’t forget, we’ll take active and experienced players as well, as long as that doesn’t conflict with any of their games.
Jazzy is once again setting up a commentating ring to go with the video for Nationals. Last year we had great performance out of the smartphone recording app.Commentators would record their commentary during the match, dodge some balls on the sideline, and hand the file over when they could. Fairly easy way to help out.
Another small responsibility for the commentators will be keeping cursory game timeline statistics. This merely involves writing on a piece of paper: When on the clock a point was scored, when a timeout was called, when a shot clock violation occurred, cards issued, etc. More information will be released by both Jazzy, Jude, and I as we approach.
Video Crew & Photographers
To go with the commentary, we’re going to record every single match at Nationals once again! Film crew really involves making sure the cameras are running, charged, pointed the same way. Our cameras are going to be stationary, and you’ll have a lead directing everyone, but a body to stand with the camera is always well worth it.
A related but more proactive way to help is being a photographer! If you are an active enthusiast, we’d love to have you take some pictures of the event.
If you are interested in any of the above positions, or would like to help out in another way, please email the League and let us know about it!