There are 75 days until Nationals. More importantly, there are 68 days until the week before Nationals. Many of you (not all) know the week before Nationals as the only time throughout the year you actively care about the rule book. The week before Nationals has a long and storied history as the week people freak out and suggest a bunch of new rules. It would be great if rule proposals could be brought up and discussed before this infamous week. So if you have an idea for a new rule or rule change, please begin to bring it up and we can discuss it prior to the week before Nationals. That is all.
~(The following has been included per the request of Zigmas Maloni)~
Deadline for Rulebook and Policy Proposals: 2017-04-01
Submission: Post in Facecool Captains’ Club or Email to the League (
Criteria: Rulebook stuff is a rule proposal. Policy stuff is everything else. The Exec Board will sort it out. Additionally, there are no limits to the amount of proposals that can be submitted per team.
Members of the NCDA (players, officers, alumni, officials, staff, etc) may submit a rule or policy for the 2016 Captains’ Meeting. Here’s this year’s process since we are moving away from the forum.
Open Submission
- Submit via email to, any member can submit, not just Captains or Officers.
- Or if in the group, make a post in the facecool Captains’ Club. About one post per policy.
- Members are encouraged to do their part and present a total proposal. Cite potential sections of the rulebook or constitution if applicable. Reason it out. Really people, this just makes it easier to prove your point and make your case.
- Cut off is late Saturday night, 2017-04-01.
- NCDA Staff takes the policy/rule and creates a post on the website. Anyone can make a comment there to discuss. Find them through the “2016 Captains’ Meeting” tag group.
- Alternatively, generally each rule/policy will have it’s own thread in the Captains’ Club and discussed there too. (If it doesn’t already have a thread, Staff will post in Captains’ club on others behalf)
- Each facebook thread will link to an NCDAcom post, and vice versa
- Throughout the discussion, Staff will work to quantify the policy to prepare it for final discussion at the 2016 Captains’ Meeting.
- Light discussion will happen during the Captains’ Meeting, but because so many members will not be represented…
- Voting happens during the off season, after Nationals.