In the following sections, Teams participating at Nationals 2014 may find six pool options on which they may vote.
This is a preferential voting system. Please rank the options in order of preference.
*Please do not submit one option, as this is not a winner-take-all system.
Please email your votes to the League email by 11:59pm Thurs, April 10th. One submission per team. *The vote must have eight Nationals Participants in order to be considered valid: that is a majority and therefore a Quorum of Member Teams.
Option A. Executive Board’s Initial Proposal:
Princess Mulan: GVSU v SVSU v Kent Princess Jasmine: JMU v UWP v OSU Princess Ariel: CMU v UMD v WKU Tinker Bell: UK v MSU v TU Princess Cinderella: BGSU v Miami v DePaul
1. Each team plays the other two in their pool. Any of the Mulan Games would be the only games playing at any one time, allowing for the League to be a “big time audience” for these games.
2. Since each team plays three (3) games in pool play, the next step is determined by how they performed in their matches.
- Jasmine v Ariel (1v1, 2v2, 3v3)
- Tink v Cinderelley (1v1, 2v2, 3v3)
- Standings are then recalculated. Matches previously played in Pool Play are worth more than the regular Season.
- 15(overall) v 3(Mulan), 14(overall) v 2(Mulan), 13(overall) v 1(Mulan)
Because of the way the different Ranking systems are naturally constructed, it is impossible for teams of the Cinderella pool to reach any higher than a 10 seed (13->10).
3. All games played in pool play are entered into the Standings, weighted to count for more than a regular season game, and a new standings produced. Based on this, the 16 team (one bye for #1) Tournament Bracket is presented.
Option B: Alternative Executive Board’s Proposal:
A: GVSU v SVSU v Kent B: JMU v UWP v OSU C: CMU v UMD v WKU D: UK v MSU v TU E: BGSU v Miami v DePaul
1. Each team plays the other two in their pool. Any of the Mulan Games would be the only games playing at any one time, and be played in the TWD courts with stadium seating, allowing for the League to be a “big time audience” for these games.
2. Since each team plays three (3) games in pool play, the next step is determined by how they performed in their matches.
- Jasmine v Ariel (1v1, 2v2, 3v3)
- Tink v Cinderelley (1v1, 2v2, 3v3)
- Fu Mulan does not play a third game. They only play two games in Pool Play and are automatically seeded 1-3 in the Tournament bracket, regardless of rating.
3. All games played in pool play are entered into the Standings, weighted to count for more than a regular season game, and a new standings produced. Based on this, the 16 team (one bye for #1) Tournament Bracket is presented. Mulan is automatically seeded as 1-3.
Option C: Alex Swedowski’s Model Proposal
GVSU>>> JMU, MSU, Maryland SVSU>>> OSU, CMU, UK Kent>>> Towson, UWP, WKU JMU>>>> GVSU, MSU, BGSU OSU>>>> SVSU, CMU, DePaul Towson> Kent, UWP, Miami MSU>>>> GVSU, JMU, Maryland CMU>>>> SVSU, OSU, UK UWP>>>> Kent, Towson, WKU UMD>>>> GVSU, MSU, BGSU UK>>>>> SVSU, CMU, DePaul WKU>>>> Kent, UWP, Miami BGSU>>> JMU, Maryland, DePaul, Miami (4 games) DePaul> OSU, UK, BGSU, Miami (4 games) Miami>> Towson, WKU, BGSU, DePaul (4 games)
The Captains’ “Rankings” match ups are excluded from this vote. We must use quantifiable measures rather than opinion. This has been proven very dangerous in past years, for the particulars of our sport.
I’d also like to thank Alex for taking the time to draw up this very in depth and fleshed out proposal, where he could have easily not taken the time to do so.
Option D: Four Pool Model, plus extra games for low ranked teams.
C: Kent UWP MSU [13, 14, 15]
1. Teams will play the other three teams in their pool.
2. All games played in pool play are entered into the Standings, weighted to count for more than a regular season game, and a new standings produced.
3. For teams in pool C (Kent, UWP, and MSU): C#1 plays the new #13, C#2 plays new #14, and C#3 plays new #15.
4. All games played in pool play are entered into the Standings, weighted to count for more than a regular season game, and a new standings produced. Based on this, the 16 team (one bye for #1) Tournament Bracket is presented.
Option E: Dylan Fettig Model
A: GVSU UK UMD BGSU B: SVSU OSU TU DePaul C: JMU CMU WKU [13, 14, 15] D: Kent MSU Miami UWP
1. Teams will play the other three teams in their pool.
2. All games played in pool play are entered into the Standings, weighted to count for more than a regular season game, and a new standings produced.
3. For teams in pool C (JMU, CMU, WKU): C#1 plays the new #13, C#2 plays new #14, and C#3 plays new #15.
4. All games played in pool play are entered into the Standings, weighted to count for more than a regular season game, and a new standings produced. Based on this, the 16 team (one bye for #1) Tournament Bracket is presented.
Option F: Random Hat Draw
Using, the rankings of each team were inputed into the site’s randomizing function. These are the results as they appear horizontally.
A: GVSU[1], OSU[5], WKU[12] B: BGSU[13], MSU[11], CMU[7] C: TU[8], UWP[6], DePaul[14] D: SVSU[2], UK[10], JMU[4] E: Kent[3], UMD[9], Miami[15]
1. Teams will play the other two teams in their pool (Princess names have been removed because this is not the time for joking apparently)
2. The top three seeds from the Season Rankings (GVSU, SVSU, Kent) will not have to play a third game on Saturday as a reward for their extensive achievement throughout the regular season.
3. The third match was randomly picked using the generator:
UMD[9] v WKU[12] TU[8] v CMU[7] MSU[11] v DePaul[14] UWP[6] v Miami[15] JMU[4] v BGSU[13] UK[10] v OSU[5]
4. All games played in pool play are entered into the Standings, weighted to count for more than a regular season game, and a new standings produced. Based on this, the 16 team (one bye for #1) Tournament Bracket is presented. GVSU, SVSU, Kent are automatically seeded as 1-3, but seeded 1-3 according to thier new Standings.
Vote Results:
Dylan Fettig Model: 8 ELECTED — 2nd round
Exec Board Initial: 4 DEFEATED — 2nd round
Alex Swedowski’s Model: 3 DEFEATED — 2nd round