The NCDA Content Team produces articles, graphics, videos, photography, spreads and more! We asked members to share their role, what they’ve been working on, and what they’re hoping to accomplish this season.
Meet the team!
Kevin Bailey #4
Grand Valley State University, Alumni, Advertising and Public Relations
Chief of Content
- I oversee any and all content being published on behalf of the NCDA.
- My goals for this season are to greatly increase the volume and variety of content being produced by the NCDA, while also improving the professionalism of the content as a whole. For the league to grow we need to produce content to serve our current community, while also creating material to gain more reach and engagement and attract new players, sponsors, and fans.
Kathryn Mays #4
The Ohio State University, Alumni, Cleveland State University, Graduate, Environmental Engineer
Graphic Designer, Photographer, Article Writer, Web Development Lead

- I’ve developed several pre- and post-tournament articles and graphics as well as manage monthly baller awards. This season I’ve taken pictures at numerous tournaments. I also head web development and oversee the NCDA internship program.
- I want to see pictures taken at every tournament. I’m also hoping to produce more women’s related articles and content.
Nate Sexauer #2
Ohio University, Alumni, Sports Video Producer
Videographer, Graphic Designer
- I’ve produced a couple of highlight videos and shot footage at the several tournaments.
- I hope to see more emphasis put on producing edited video content. Dodgeball highlights are typically very quick and exciting, but in reality those moments don’t happen nonstop during matches. Highlighting the best of these moments in an engaging and creative way to expand the brand is something I look forward to providing with my background in sports media production.
- I’m extremely excited that Ohio University will be hosting Nationals. We tried to make this happen for years, and to see it finally happen makes me proud of how far the club has come. And with how much parity there is at the top this year, it should be one to remember.
Ryan Ginsberg #14
The Ohio State University, Senior, Actuarial Science & Economics
Article Writer, Stat Tracker

- I have written pre-tournament and recap articles, and I manage tournament spreads and voting.
- I hope to see pre-tournament and recap articles posted before and quickly after each tournament with content team and captain’s thoughts included to give fans a good idea of what’s going on around the league.
Matthew Barnett #17
Western Michigan University, Sophomore, Aviation Flight Science
Article Writer, Graphic Designer

- I make some tournament graphics, do some streaming, and do some stats mainly for WMU.
- I would love to see good streaming angles for all games.
Shadeed Q. Drakeford #14
Virginia Commonwealth University, Alumni, Safety System Engineer

- In the past, I have written several pre and post tournaments articles, do interviews with current players and alumni, and traveled across the country (with the exception of Wisconsin and Nebraska) doing live-streaming and commentary for the league. Now, I do live-streaming and commentary primarily for east coast tournaments.
- I hope to see more emphasis on video content from the league which includes a combination of both streaming and edited video content on a constant basis. We live in a world in social media where brands are getting paid money from social media on their content as well as generating sponsorships deals. There’s only four types of content on social media: written, audio, video, and photos. Sports involve mostly video and photos. The NCDA provides a very unique brand of dodgeball and having the videos along with the photos give the audience a much better understanding of what the sport is all about. Not everyone will be able to attend these events live so being able to combine live-streaming and video editing together would be beneficial for the league to expand their brand.
Caleb Newell #7
University of Wisconsin – Platteville, Graduate, Structural / Geotechnical Engineer
Graphic Designer, Stat Tracker, Streamer
- I have produced several graphics for content applications for the NCDA as well as UWP social media. Additionally, I have been responsible for all of the streams that UWP has been involved in.
- I want to help the content team as well as UWP’s social media presence with graphics. This outlet allows me to use my creativity and give my mind a break from my everyday tasks.
- I am looking forward to Nationals. This year UWP has a lot of seniors graduating so this is their last chance to make a push into the round of 8 or final 4. As a team we believe that we can compete with the best, it’s just a matter of cleaning up the little things. Outside of dodgeball, I just started my professional career as a Project Engineer. I am excited to open this new chapter of my life.
Kris Haas #8
Cleveland State University, Alumni, Coach
Graphic Designer, Photographer
- I have made several tournament and standings graphics. I’ve also taken photos at multiple tournaments this year.
- I want to make graphics look more standardized while still being fun, and I want to make sure that all schools get pictures taken of them so more players can see themselves in the spotlight of the NCDA.
- I am looking forward to traveling to the east coast for some tournaments and getting to know the teams I haven’t yet had the opportunity to get to know. I am also looking forward to continuing to improve my photography skills.
Kevin Skiba #8
University of Cincinnati, Senior, Information Systems
Graphic Designer, Article Writer
- I have produced some write-ups for UC in the NCDA tournament articles, as well as created graphics for UC’s social media this season.
- I want to contribute more for the content team by writing more write-ups, producing graphics for tournaments, and participating in future podcasts. Helping the content team out more than I do now will allow me to expand my creativity and to give my mind a break from my everyday tasks of work and typing data in computers.
- I look forward to OU hosting Nationals. As someone who played at OU before transferring to UC, it will have felt like my NCDA career has gone full circle: starting and ending at Ohio University. It should be a memorable Nationals. I also look forward to graduation and finding my first long-term job either in IT or web development.
Max Vincent #22
Bowling Green State University, Alumni, Media Production
Videographer and Video Editor
- I take photos and video at various tournaments across the Ohio region. Examples being the Redhawk classic, Miami vs UC Double header, and Nationals 2021.
- I want to see the league garner recognition for being one of the premiere collegiate sport leagues. Using photo and video on social media will help the league expand, how can you watch highlights and NOT want to play?! Dodgeball has the potential to grow across the country and legitimize not only the NCDA but all other forms of the sport. I also am excited to help develop the leagues web presence by using my experience with web development to make the NCDA website the home base for all College Dodgeball Content.
- We have some great content coming out soon so stay tuned. Outside of dodgeball, I am excited to get back out in the snow and take some snowboarding trips.
Dan Fernald #33
University of Maryland, Alumni, Supply Chain Management and Operations Management & Business Analytics
Article Writer, Stat Tracker
- In my first season on the content team, I wrote East Coast tournament breakdowns as well as the power rankings write ups for all East Coast teams.
- My goal and the main reason for joining the content team is to ensure all NCDA clubs get equal coverage. Throughout my dodgeball career, the East Coast, Central, and lower ranked Ohio/Michigan teams are often undercovered. Additionally, I want to see more streams with commentary to help grow not just the league, but the game of dodgeball.
- I am looking forward to helping the Maryland team make some waves in the NCDA as we are a heavily slept on squad who has the talent to compete with some of the top teams. Nationals at Ohio will be a big one for the Terps! Outside of dodgeball, I am looking forward to being able to finally begin living on my own as I will be moving away from home in the near future.
Sam Palumbo #28
The Ohio State University, Alumni, Nurse Practitioner
Streamer, Video Producer
- Streaming is something that is new to me, but as I looked back to when I first played, I wish I had tape that was actually usable to remember some of those great matches from back in the day. I hope that having videos out there will help the future players have those memories as well as help to legitimize the sport of dodgeball as a whole. So far I have worked on some graphics, as well as streamed the Buckeye Showcase, John Betters Bobcat Bonanza III, and the Ohio Dodgeball Cup. I’ve done some work behind the scenes as far as editing films and uploading them to the NCDA YouTube.
- I hope that this year that I can put out a product that people will appreciate and enjoy. I have learned that what you see on TV really requires a lot of work and trying to produce a live stream is a lot more work when you try to add some more advanced things. Dylan Greer is trying to bury me with all these new features he wants to add.
- I look forward to growing in my job as a Nurse Practitioner. I’ll be out of the orientation phase and on my own. I will be writing prescriptions and all the hard work that I put into grad school will come into fruition.
Nicole Cutich #42
University of Akron, Sophomore, Political Science National Security
- I’ve taken pictures at tournaments and done a baller of the month interview!
- This season with the content team I’d love to accomplish more pictures being taken at tournaments, we’re already on a great track with it and have been able to get more then last season but we should keep trying to make sure all players have some action shots, not just the star players on every team because it’s so cool getting to see pictures of yourself having fun and doing what you love.
- I’m looking forward to my classes, hopefully joining Akron’s pre law society, and Nationals at OU! Two of my best friends go there and it’ll be so much fun having them there to watch some games, also excited because Akron is obviously going to kill it.
Ethan Lehmkuhl #13
The Ohio State University, Junior, Biomedical Engineering
Article Writer, Photographer
- I joined content team because I saw the need for writers and writing is something I am good at. I love reading what people have to say and what they think, and when articles weren’t going up consistently I figured I could help out. I also have a pretty good understanding of the league and know a lot of people in different regions so it allows me to not be a 1-Dimensional add to the team. So far I have done pre and post-tournament articles, power ranking write-ups, and a BOTM interview. I also took some photos during the women’s match with Kathryn’s camera while she was playing. I currently manage the monthly highlight videos.
- I want to see consistent and on time publishing for pre and post tournament articles. I also want to see the same for monthly awards.
- I’m looking forward to playing more schools I haven’t played yet and hosting ODC. I am also looking forward to seeing Colby Chohrach again at The War.
Leon Rockamore Jr. #71
Cleveland State University, Prospective Student
Video Producer, Stat Tracker
- My current contributions to the content team revolve around getting the NCDA more exposure through short videos displaying the intensity and hype of the sport. I occasionally assist with creating graphics; and I’m working with a team to eventually introduce stat tracking to the NCDA.
- So far I have gotten the ball rolling for stat tracking and working to develop the most efficient way to get it into every game. I have done a few graphics and articles as well. By the end of the year, I want more overall exposure for the NCDA across all platforms.
- I am looking forward to seeing how the new talent in the NCDA erupts and takes over. Outside of dodgeball, I’m looking forward to starting back at school in the Fall and working towards a degree in a Health/Exercise Science related field.
Tony Stumpo, “The Voice of College Dodgeball,” #99
Michigan State University, Alumni, Certified Financial Planner
Commentator, Article Writer

- I have assisted with postseason articles and awards. I primarily provide commentary for Michigan-based tournaments and nationals.
- I want every high-profile tournament to be streamed with professional level commentary. I want people who tune in to think they are viewing our matches on ESPN.
Caleb Arnold #2
Ohio University, Senior, Applied Management
Graphic Designer
- I have made the NCDA standing change images as well as some logo creation for OU and will be working on the Nationals 2023 logo.
- I think what everyone else’s overall goal is – expand the league to help both the size of it grow as well as the audience. Marketing is key and through all of the content, we are marketing to our audience.
Terence Checkett #77
Ohio University, Sophomore, Political Science
Article Writer, Lead Podcaster
- I have worked on a number of pre/post tournament articles and I also host the Neutral Zone podcast.
- My goal is to make the Neutral Zone a monthly occurrence. I am also starting to get involved in stats and would like to make that practice more widespread.
Mitch Porter #16
Kent State University, Freshman, History / Education
Article Writer, Stats Tracker

- I have only been on the Content Team for 1 week as of writing this, so I’ve only worked on score/spread predictions, while also writing for Kent State at the Ohio Dodgeball Club.
- I would love to write as many articles as possible on behalf of Kent State while also appearing in some podcasts or broadcasting areas as I have some experience with my high school in those areas.