The University of Cincinnati Dodgeball Club has been on a steady rise this season, and a large part of that is thanks to October 2019 Baller of the Month, Brett Liming. During October, Brett helped lead the 2nd year club to a 4-2 record, which included Gonzalez upset wins over CSU, SIUE, and Kent State. As a Sophomore, Liming has learned the game very quickly, and will continue to be a force for years to come. I had a chance to catch up with him and get his thoughts on winning.
HF: So first of all, congrats on winning Baller of the Month, can you tell me how you feel?
BL: Thanks, it means a lot. Yeah I feel honored to say the least for being chosen so early in the season.
HF: Brett, are you a Sophomore or Junior?
BL: Sophomore.
HF: Traditionally, most of our Baller of the Month winners tend to be Juniors and Seniors so to win as a Sophomore is an impressive feat to say the least. What do you feel contributed most to developing your skills to such a high level early in your career?
BL: There is no way I would be where I am if it wasn’t for my coach Wes Peters. During practice Wes showed us how matches would work and would pick on us to help us get better. Wes helped me develop my throw and my game sense.
HF: Now when you say ‘pick on you’ how bad are we talking?
BL: In the beginning pretty bad… he would throw at us from halfway across the court, cross us, and just overall embarrass us during practice.
HF: Sounds about right. But looking at where you guys are now it seems like it’s paying off. Speaking of, your team had a very solid month of October, going 4-2 over that time period. This helped you guys move up 7 spots in the Gonzalez standings. Where do you see this team finishing the rest of the season and do you guys have a specific benchmark you want to hit rankings wise?
BL: Of course we are shooting for that number one spot. But more realistically speaking we are looking to be in the top 16 so we have a chance to compete in the A bracket this year at Nationals.
HF: Fair goal to have. Any teams you’re looking forward to playing on your way to the top?
BL: As I said and everyone know our coach is Wes Peters and he played at both MSU and CMU and we would love to see us play our coaches old schools. Another one is Miami due to the fact that they had a large part to developing the team as well. Since they are only about an hour away from us we would sometimes go there and practice with them to help develop our skills.
Once we find ourselves competing in these matches I feel like we are going to be a top tier team.
HF: Well lucky for you guys, you’re playing CMU this upcoming weekend at Ohio’s Bobcat Bash!
BL: Yeah we are looking forward to it! It will give us a good gauge to how we stand up to the best of the best.
HF: If you had to pick your favorite dodgeball moment in your NCDA career so far, what would it be?
BL: I would have to say at last years Nationals when when we got our first ever NCDA win against GSU.
HF: That’s a pretty special moment to say the least. On a similar note, what’s been your favorite part about being a member of Cincinnati’s Dodgeball Club, and why dodgeball club over another org? (sorry for the two for one)
BL: The reason I chose dodgeball is simple because I knew I wouldn’t have enough time for club baseball and one of my friends invited me to practice and I loved everything about it. Then my favorite part about being apart of the team is the fact that we feel like a family. We all support each other but yet roast each other as well.
HF: Got a favorite roast in mind that you can share?
BL: I honestly can’t think of any…haha.
HF: That’s disappointing. Let’s stick with some fun questions though. Celebrity crush?
BL: Male: Jason Momoa, Female: Selena Gomez
HF: Boxers or briefs?
BL: Briefs.
HF: Coke or Pepsi?
BL: Coke.
HF: If you had a super power what would it be?
BL: Shape-shifting
HF: Interesting. Well, it’s been good getting to know you Brett, and once again congrats on BOTM. Any closing remarks for your adoring fans?
BL: Yeah, I would like to thank my mom and dad for supporting me. Then thanks to everyone that has worked with me and helped me develop my throw and giving me tips on the game of dodgeball! Thanks again for choosing me I am truly honored! Thanks!