B-Team and Nationals Format Ballot Results

Below are the results of the two-part B-Team and Nationals Format proposals for the 2020 NCDA Season. There were 25 Member Teams with voting rights that submitted ballots, with 4 non-voting teams submitting ballots for the record.

B-Team Proposal

Schools will now be allowed to field B-teams at any tournament they attend, and those B-teams will be given a Gonzalez Rating accordingly. To avoid unfair rosters, or abuse of this rule, here are a few stipulations:

  • B-teams can only compete at events that also include the ‘A-team’ from the same school (unless the tournament is B-team only)
  • Captains and Assistant Captains are not allowed to compete on the B-team for their school
  • A school’s A-team must have at least 12 players in order for them to also field a B-team at an event
  • No player can be rostered on both the A and B team at the same event
  • In the event a school’s ‘A’ and ‘B’ team play each other no points will be awarded
  • In a single weekend, an ‘A’ team is allowed to play 1 ‘B’ team max, any further games on the same weekend will result in no points for either side
  • Only a school’s ‘A’ team can qualify for the proposed “Championship” Nationals bracket

Yes, B-Teams will now be given a Gonzalez Rating [NEW]

Nationals Format Proposal

National Championship Bracket Restructure: Nationals will have a ‘Championship Bracket for the top 16 teams, and a ‘B Bracket’ for all other teams.

The top 16 varsity teams (according to the Gonzalez Rating System) heading into bracket play at Nationals are placed in the ‘Championship Bracket’. All other teams (both varsity and participating B-Teams) are placed in the ‘B Bracket’. Seeding for the B Bracket will also be based off Gonzalez Ratings.

Yes, Nationals will now feature a ‘Championship Bracket’ for the top 16 teams after Day 1 of Nationals with remaining teams competing in a ‘B Bracket’

Additionally, after requesting feedback on the ballot for a preferred starting Gonzalez Rating for the B-Teams, the average from respondents was 33. The Board has decided to respect that decision, and will grant all B-Teams a provisional Gonzalez Rating of 33.000 for when they play their first matches of the season.

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