Name: Jasmine Hill
School: Grand Valley State University
Major: Exercise Science
Leadership Role: Vice President of GVSU Dodgeball Club
What sports/clubs were you involved in throughout high school (or just prior to joining the NCDA)?
Throughout high school, I was involved in volleyball, basketball, tennis, cross country, and bowling. I was also in the student council and part of a youth advisory council.
How did you first get involved with the club?
My first experience with the club was when I was in high school and watched my brother play on the team. At the time, I had no intention of joining. However, I saw the club set up at Campus Life Night and I decided to go to the first practice. I was impressed with how much fun it was and stuck around.
How was your first tournament?
My first tournament was the Akron Pinkout in 2022. It was a good introduction to the dodgeball league. I met players who I would later look up to and I started my journey of learning a new sport. It is cool to look back at that tournament and see how far I have grown on and off the court.

Describe your most memorable tournament moment?
Tournaments are always a good time because of the excitement of taking the skills and training from practice and competing against other teams. My most memorable pinch tournament moment was getting a catch against UWP and hearing the crowd’s excitement.
Who are your role models (can be dodgeball, can be in life, etc.)?
My parents are my biggest role models. They have taught me the importance of trying new things and to push myself through the difficult times. They are also very supportive and love coming to tournaments or watching the live stream.
What are you looking forward to this semester/coming years in the league?
I am looking forward to getting more tournament experience, especially in the women’s league. It is exciting to see how the women’s league is growing and having the opportunity to connect with more players from the other teams.
Overall, how would you describe the experience of being a woman in dodgeball? Who’s a team you’d like to play at nationals (can be pinch or no-sting?
Being a woman in dodgeball means I have to play smarter and am often better at catching. My teammates have been encouraging and pushing me to be the best just like they would to any other teammate. For pinch, I would like to play OSU and MSU at nationals. We have had some good matches against them and I am eager to compete again. For no-sting, I am looking forward to playing Akron. They have a talented team that will motivate me to continue developing my dodgeball skills.

If you could describe your playing style as an animal, what animal would it be?
I would describe my playing style as a bee because bees communicate well, are determined, work as a team to succeed, and can be aggressive.
What’s your walk up song?
My walk up song is Unstoppable by The Score.