We will begin the election as of this post, and officially it will run until Thursday night, giving teams ample time to submit their ballots. I will start bugging people Tuesday afternoon to submit their votes, so we might complete the election sooner rather than later.The NCDA uses a preferential voting system, where candidates are ranked based on preference, and the Votes are public record. The results will be released after the conclusion of the election. Voting is open to all current Member Teams. If there is any confusion, please ask.
For each Office, rank the candidates by your order of preference. Please email one complete ballot to League email (ncdadodgeball@gmail.com), the votes will be counted and verified by the last Director of Nationals, Jude DuPart [OSU Alum].
Office of the President:
[ ] Dylan Fettig [GVSU Current]
[ ] Zigmas Maloni [DePaul Alum]
Office of the Treasurer:
[ ] Felix Perrone [WKU Alum]
Director of League Expansion:
[ ] Dylan Fettig [GVSU Current]
[ ] Mike McCarthy [SHU Current]
Chief of Content:
[ ] Kevin Bailey [GVSU Current]
[ ] Sean Smith [TU Current]
I asked each candidate to write a little something for this. So if you require more information, each candidate was sorted alphabetically and describes in their own words…
Kevin Bailey [GVSU current]
Running for Chief of Content
My name is Kevin Bailey, and I am the current captain for Grand Valley State University’s Dodgeball Club. I chose to run for the position of NCDA Chief of Content because I have a passion for the sport of dodgeball, and a vision for what this league could become. In my opinion, collegiate dodgeball is far from where it needs to be. A lot of this has to do with the little amount of exposure that the league gets, and just the amount of content that is produced through the NCDA website as well as on it’s social media pages. Overall, I think I am very eligible candidate for this position because of how much I care about the league. I know the NCDA has a bright future, and I plan to be part of it.
Dylan Fettig [GVSU current]
Running for Office of the President & Director of League Expansion
(if he wins both, Candidate will choose one position. The othergoes to the runner up.)
I am running for a position on the NCDA Executive Board because I want to see the organization grow in both size and level of competition. I have been active in the league on the Facebook page and on the forum since my freshman year. I have gone through the rulebook many times and have proposed several rule changes to increase the quality of play for our sport. I have been a part of the leadership of Grand Valley’s team since my sophomore year, serving as the president of the club for three years and as an assistant captain for three years. During my time as the president of the club we rewrote the club’s entire constitution and the final product has been used as the model for other club sports’ constitutions at Grand Valley. Outside of the NCDA, I have served as one of the five student representatives of the Executive Board for Grand Valley’s Club Sport department for the last two years. The responsibilities of this Board included overseeing the operation of all 43 club sport teams at Grand Valley and managing a budget of over $350,000. I will be graduating in April with a Master’s degree in Public Administration, which is a program that focuses on how to run organizations. With this knowledge and connections that I have made with my professors I have a great foundation for moving the NCDA forward. Leading organizations and the sport of Dodgeball are my two main passions in life, I am looking forward to being able to combine the two to help expand and improve the NCDA.
Zigmas Maloni [DePaul Alum]
Running for re-election to the Office of the President
Hello, I’m Zigmas Maloni and I played dodgeball with the DePaul Dodgeball Society. I’ve done many things to improve the Society for my fellow player and turned that towards the League. I’ve been involved administratively in the NCDA since mid-2010.
Over my last year as President, I’ve done a lot to improve our League’s professional standing, but there are so many things I need to finish up. We are in the middle of developing three Applications: an Android app to improve Officiating, a specially designed formula to rank Member Team performance, and an application to create a fair seeding/pool play groupings for Nationals. We’re also in the middle of writing our Constitution, Policy, and Brand Guidelines (much of which you can already find on the forum). If I had to choose one thing to be my biggest and proudest work in the NCDA, I’d just have to choose two! Restructuring the Rulebook, and working with the Staff to incorporate the League as a non-profit.
I am hoping to continue serving the League so that I can finish the projects that I started. I submit my 9 years of experience in running organizations and building brands. I would like to continue to share my passion for the Sport and continuing to expand the League in all areas. Thank you.
Pro Gamers, LCC: Chief Operating Officer – June 2005-2010
DePaul Dodgeball Society: Member – Jan 2007-forever
DePaul SAF-B (the org. funding board) – Voting Rep: 1 year
DePaul Dodgeball’s Coach: 2 years
NCDA Record Keeper and Rulebook Staff: Season 2011 to present
NCDA Website Administrator: Season 2012 to present
NCDA General Coordinator and primary Contact: 1 year
NCDA President and primary Contact: 1 year to present
NCDA Director of Development Team: 2 years to present
JuvodHR, Inc: Lead Designer & Brand Identity – 2013 – Present
Southbridge Brewery: Co-Owner – 2013-Present
Michael McCarthy [SHU current]
Running for Director of LEague Expansion
[No Content Submitted]
Felix Perrone [WKU alum]
Running for the Office of Treasurer [unopposed]
I am hoping to be elected to keep my current position as interim treasurer for our league. I have been completing the treasury tasks for the NCDA for the last year and have held various other positions in the league over the last 5 years. I am hoping to keep my current position through the end of the 2015 season and possibly beyond. The main reason I would like to continue representing the league in this position is because I want to finish the paperwork to make our league a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. I have been working on this task for the past year and it will be completed in the next 6 months. Here are my credentials to help prove to you I am a viable candidate for this position.
WKU Dodgeball Player: Sept 2008-May 2014
WKU Vice President/Alt-Capt: Jan 2009-Aug 2010
WKU President/Captain: Aug 2010-May 2012
WKU Advisor/Alt-Capt: May 2012-May 2014
NCDA League Expansion Officer: April 2009-April 2013
NCDA National Tournament Director: April 2010-April 2011
NCDA Miscellaneous Task Agent: January 2013-September 2013
NCDA Rulebook Staff: January 2012-Present
NCDA Interim Treasurer: September 2013-Present
August 2008-May 2012
Major: Corporate & Organizational Communication
Master of Arts Degree from Western Kentucky University (course work completed, thesis in progress)
August 2012-Present
Sean Smith [Towson current]
Running for Chief of Content
As a candidate for NCDA Chief of Content I know how much this position entails. During my first couple of months as a content writer I got a small taste of what the duties would be through some conversations with our old CoC Sam Hiller. I believe from the start of my writing career for the league up to now I have made great improvements stylistically, and professionally. I have branched out from writing an occasional article to hosting the Average Joe’s Podcast on a regular basis, coming up with new ideas for the league page, interviewing new Ballers of the Month, and still writing other articles. I have been heavily involved in the league for a couple of years now, and would like to earn this chance to be even more involved than I was previously.