2017 Proposals Ballot Results

CHICAGO – Office of the Director of Officiating.


Below are the results of the preferential election for the 2016/2017 NCDA Rulebook and select Policies. The Rulebook is scheduled to be released prior to the start of the 2017 Season. Extra special thanks to the 22 Member Teams that submitted ballots, with only one Member Team missing.

Rule Proposals

R.4) Early Overtime – If a point is scored with less than 4 minutes remaining in the second half, and the resulting Score is tied, should Overtime go into effect?
A. Yes, add a condition to call Early Overtime. [NEW]

R.5) Blocking – If a ball deflects off the blocking ball, can the ricochet cause an out?
[Final Decision] B. A block must be clean for the blocking player. If a ricochet still hits the blocking player, the blocking player is out. [NEW]

R.6) LAZ – Should the Legitimate Attempt Zone (LAZ) be a tighter zone?
A. The LAZ should be the Target’s full body reach in any of the 3 dimensions. For a 6 foot tall player, this is about 7 feet from left to right. [NEW]

R.7) Attack Line – How far should the Attack Line be?
C. 30 feet from the baseline. [Current]

R.8) Rosters – Should rosters have fewer players?
C. Roster size is 10-20. Active players are 10-15. [Current]

R.11) What happens when the Score becomes a 4 point differential?
A. The lower scoring team must consent to call the Match. If no consent, gameplay continues and all future points count. If the match is called, the Score is final but teams may play out the remaining time on a running clock, unbound by the rules. [NEW]

R.13) Burden Throw – Should a team relieve a Burden to reset the Shot Clock?
B. No, just one Legitimate Attempt Throw resets the Shot Clock for the Throwing team.. Each team has a Shot Clock. [Current]

Policy Proposals

P.1) Should there be a required break between multiple matches?
A. For safety precautions, a team must take a minimum 30 minute break after playing 3 consecutive matches. [NEW]

P.2) Limits on Captains’ Meeting proposals
B. The deadline to submit proposals is one week prior to Nationals. There are no limits to the amount of proposals. [Current]
Note: This initial result was a tie. The Executive Board votes to break the tie. Vote Result: 4 of 5 voted to keep the current policy, no limits (P2B). However, the one week prior to Nationals deadline will be enforced this year.

P.3) Lowering the required number of matches on Saturday for scheduling flexibility.
B. Participants will play a minimum of 3 matches on Saturday, but will be scheduled for more if time allows. [Current]

P.5) Should the League purchase two trophies?
B. No, not at this time.

P.7) Should the Executive Board be given a vote whenever Member Teams vote?
B. No, only Member Teams. [Current]

See a more extensive report after the jump. 

Final counts

All options obtained a simple majority in the initial count, no program was needed. P2 (Limits on Captains’ Meeting proposals) resulted in a tie. The Executive Board votes to break the tie. Vote Result: 4 of 5 voted to keep the current policy, no limits. However, the one week prior to Nationals deadline will be enforced this year.

Regarding Proposed Rule 5, Blocking: 5 of 5 members of the Board choose 5B (blocks must be clean for the blocking player), the measure to overturn succeeds. Member Teams will be given an automatic recall ballot, deadline 2016-08-18. Member Teams must achieve quorum (12 ballots) and must achieve 3/4ths supermajority of the submitted ballots to determine the final result on this rule.

In the recall election, 15 Member Teams submitted ballots but failed to achieve the supermajority necessary to overturn. Final decision, 5B (blocks must be clean for the blocking player),

Ballot totals were confirmed by the Director of Nationals, per policy.

# is the Question number, and 1st 2nd and 3rd are the preferences. Presented for brevity. Full spreadsheet results found via the magical technology of google.

Proposal  1st 2nd 3rd Pref Winner 
4 Early OT 12 10 4A
5A Blocking – Team 0 5 11
5B Blocking – Player 7 7 2 Exec/Final: 5B
5C Blocking – Current 14 4 3 Intitial: 5C
6 LAZ 15 5 6A
7A 25′ 1 4 13
7B 28′ 6 15 0
7C 30′ 14 2 5 7C
8A Rosters 1 1 17
8B Rosters 2 19 0
8C Rosters 19 2 0 8C
11A 4pt diff 18 2 1 11A
11B 4pt diff 1 0 16
11C 4pt diff 3 18 0
13 Burden 7 15 13B
P1 Break 14 8 P1A
P2 Prop 11 11 Exec breaks tie P2B
P3 Sat 5 15 P3B
P5 Troph 9 12 P4B
P7 Voting 9 12 P4B

The chosen option amongst the others

Rule Proposals

R.4) Early Overtime – If a point is scored with less than 4 minutes remaining in the second half, and the resulting Score is tied, should Overtime go into effect?
A. Yes, add a condition to call Early Overtime.
B. No, the teams must play out the remaining time. [Current]

R.5) Blocking – If a ball deflects off the blocking ball, can the ricochet cause an out?
A. A block must be clean for the Target’s team. If a ricochet hits the blocking player, or is deflected into a teammate, the first player that is hit by ricochet is out. Only one player may be called out on a direct throw.
[Final Decision] B. A block must be clean for the blocking player. If a ricochet still hits the blocking player, the blocking player is out.
[Initial] C. A directly thrown ball is dead on any contact with the blocking dodgeball.


5 of 5 members of the Board choose 5B (blocks must be clean for the blocking player), the measure to overturn succeeds. Member Teams will be given an automatic recall ballot, deadline 2016-08-18. Member Teams must achieve quorum (12 ballots) and must achieve 3/4ths supermajority of the submitted ballots to determine the final result on this rule.

In the recall election, 15 Member Teams submitted ballots but failed to achieve the supermajority necessary to overturn. Final decision, 5B (blocks must be clean for the blocking player),

R.6) LAZ – Should the Legitimate Attempt Zone (LAZ) be a tighter zone?
A. The LAZ should be the Target’s full body reach in any of the 3 dimensions. For a 6 foot tall player, this is about 7 feet from left to right.
B. The LAZ should remain a step and a lunge in any of the 3 dimensions. For a 6 foot tall player, this is about 10 feet from left to right. [Current]

R.7) Attack Line – How far should the Attack Line be?
A. 25 feet from the baseline.
B. 28 feet from the baseline.
C. 30 feet from the baseline. [Current]

R.8) Rosters – Should rosters have fewer players?
A. Roster size is 8-14. Active players are 8-10.
B. Roster size is 10-15. Active players are 10-12.
C. Roster size is 10-20. Active players are 10-15. [Current]

R.11) What happens when the Score becomes a 4 point differential?
A. The lower scoring team must consent to call the Match. If no consent, gameplay continues and all future points count. If the match is called, the Score is final but teams may play out the remaining time on a running clock, unbound by the rules.
B. The Match is called, the Score is final. No consent is needed.
C. Do nothing; gameplay continues and future points count. [Current]

R.13) Burden Throw – Should a team relieve a Burden to reset the Shot Clock?
A. Yes, the team that has the majority of balls is given 15 seconds to unburden themselves of the initial majority of balls by any means. Only one team has a Burden Clock at any point.
B. No, just one Legitimate Attempt Throw resets the Shot Clock for the Throwing team.. Each team has a Shot Clock. [Current]

Policy Proposals

P.1) Should there be a required break between multiple matches?
A. For safety precautions, a team must take a minimum 30 minute break after playing 3 consecutive matches.
B. No limits. [Current]

P.2) Limits on Captains’ Meeting proposals
Note: This initial result was a tie. The Executive Board votes to break the tie. Vote Result: 4 of 5 voted to keep the current policy, no limits (P2B). However, the one week prior to Nationals deadline will be enforced this year.
A. The deadline to submit proposals is one week prior to Nationals. Only one rule proposal and only one policy proposal may be submitted per team.
B. The deadline to submit proposals is one week prior to Nationals. There are no limits to the amount of proposals. [Current]

P.3) Lowering the required number of matches on Saturday for scheduling flexibility.
A. Participants will play a minimum of 2 matches on Saturday, but will be scheduled for more if time allows.
B. Participants will play a minimum of 3 matches on Saturday, but will be scheduled for more if time allows. [Current]

P.5) Should the League purchase two trophies?
A. Yes, establish two new trophies. One for the team ranked #1 in the regular season, and one for the team which played the most amount of matches.
B. No, not at this time.

P.7) Should the Executive Board be given a vote whenever Member Teams vote?
A. Yes, the Executive Board receives one ballot in League-wide elections, which is equal to the voting ballot of one Member Team. Does not apply to Executive Positions elections (voting for a new Treasurer, President, etc.)
B. No, only Member Teams. [Current]

Author: Zigmister

DePaul Dodgeball #68 & NCDA Director of Officiating

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