<% @title="Home" %>



National Collegiate Dodgeball Association (NCDA, [ncdadodgeball.com]).
Of which DePaul Dodgeball is a member.

For the National tournament this year in April, its governing body of all the Captains are toying with using an Ratings Percentage Index (RPI) to better rank the Member Teams.

The RPI would be used by the Nationals Event Staff to organize and schedule games of participating teams at Nationals in April. It would also be used to display the Standings; the website utilizes the PHP/MySQL based WordPress web software. The possibility exists in later tying some of the resulting application developed in Ruby into the WordPress framework, possibly in form of a WP plugin.

Please check out our <%= link_to "About", home_about_path %> section for more specific information.
Check out our <%= link_to "Formulas", home_formulas_path %> page for what systems we are using.